Monday, February 29, 2016

Maple Valley Nursery

Please do not call Maple Valley Nursery directly for plants. Let me know if there is something you want and we'll get it tagged on an upcoming order. They are a wholesale nursery and do not sell directly to the public. Thank you.

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Friday, February 26, 2016

It's been a rough week but I made it. How about you?

2016 vegetable Crop Handbook- Used in class for reference. Very good source.

Remote Soil Monitoring

Edyn, which continuously monitors the quality of your soil. Once installed, Edyn will provide you the information you need to keep your plants looking green. It also allows you to control the irrigation of your garden.

Seed Savers Leap Year Special - Save $10 on Orders $50 and Up!

How plants protect photosynthesis from oxygen

02/24/2016 Website Updates

Updated General Links at the top to include additional reference material.
Updated Class 5 to include more links to Nurseries mentioned in class.

UN science report warns of fewer bees, other pollinators

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

02/26/2016 Website Updates

The power point presentation by Taylor Vandiver  - "Home Vegetable Gardening"
for class 4 is now online.

Place map updated to reflect nurseries.

More links to come on class 5.